Public Health & the SDGs
Public Health & The SDGs
Where Sustainability Meets Public Health
Climate change has created new public health concerns. Among the many climate-related threats are heat waves, extreme weather events, reduced air quality and climate-sensitive diseases. The importance of recognizing the various overlapping, related priorities.
Links Between Sustainability and Human Health
The dynamics that surround socioeconomic development and the drivers of climate change eventually increase or threaten the vulnerabilities and result in a decline in human health. Includes detailed analysis of the link between climate change, development and health.
Global Environmental Health and Sustainable Development
Links between economic development, environmental health, and human health. A healthy population is essential for economic development, as the poorest suffer most. Economic development has led to tremendous improvements in people’s well-being, but often at the expense of the environment.
Environment, Ethics and Human Health Study
The environment can affect human health, but promoting human health has a harmful effect on the environment. Complex ethical questions arise related to environmental regulations and health policy decisions.
Health in the SDGs: Intersectoral Action
Article collection focused on policies and programmes outside the health sector that have health implications. Showcases multisectoral approaches to achieving health and well-being-related goals. All goals are related to or contribute to health and well-being.
Health Intersectoralism in the SDGs
Explores multisectoral approaches to achieving SDG 3 - A confluence of social and health inequities, within a context of widespread environmental degradation demands systems thinking and intersectoral action. Processes, policies, and programs primarily outside the health sector, that have health implications through social, commercial, economic, environmental, and political determinants of health
The Implications of the SDGs on Health Policy
Proper health policy and systems research (HPSR) priorities are needed to inform strategies to address the interconnected goals. To achieve the SDGs, there is a continuing need for research in some already well-established areas of HPSR as well as key areas highlighted by decision-makers.
UN TST issues brief: Health as Central to Sustainable Development
Health is central to the three dimensions of sustainable development, it is a beneficiary of and a contributor to development. The full enjoyment of the right to health is critical for the enjoyment of other human rights. Good health is thus an end in itself and it plays an integral role in human capabilities and well-being.
WHO: The Environmental Burden of Disease Report
Quantifies the amount of disease caused by environmental risks, and how to prevent it. Premature death and disease can be prevented through healthier environments. Coordinating global efforts to promote healthy environments is necessary through well-established, cost-effective interventions.
Canadian Institute for Climate Choices Report on Health Costs of Climate Change
A look into the current and future detriments to health and the health industry caused by climate change.
Centre for Climate Change and Health
Posters to help communicate the intersections and negative effects that climate change has on health. A great tool to print and post for spreading awareness on campus.
Panel Discussion with Owen Luo & Katie Hayes
Hear from a panel of experts in the field about their work, experiences, and insights on health at the intersection of climate.
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Takes action to enable health for all by engaging with governments, running campaigns, conducting research, and drawing media attention to key issues. Collaborate with other organizations, support physicians to be advocates for healthier environments and ecosystems.
World Health Organization
Global public health centre implicated in advancing the SDGs.
Canadian Public Health Association
Independent voice for public health in Canada with links to the international community. Advise decision-makers about public health system reform and guide initiatives to help safeguard the personal and community health of Canadians and people around the world.
American Public Health Association
Strengthen the public health profession, speak out for public health issues and policies backed by science.
National Environmental Health Association
Work on preventing human injury and illness and promoting well-being by recognizing hazardous environmental issues.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Preventing disease and injuries, responding to public health threats, promoting good physical and mental health, and providing information to support informed decision-making.
Biotechnology Research Institute of the National Research Council of Canada
National governmental news and research of Canada’s National Research Council. Information on research and development, support for technology innovation, and certifications, evaluations and standards.
National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
Focus on health risks associated with the physical environment and identify evidence-based interventions to mitigate those risks.
National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health
Supports a renewed public health system in Canada that is inclusive and respectful of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research
Under the World Health Organization. Works to improve the health of those in low- and middle-income countries by supporting the generation and use of evidence that strengthens health systems.
Doctors Without Borders - Canada
Mission to save lives and alleviate the suffering of people in danger by delivering medical care where it is needed most.
Black Health Alliance
Community-led registered charity working to improve the health and well-being of Black communities in Canada. Driven by groundbreaking research, strong partnerships, and people. Builds innovative solutions to improve Black health and well-being, and mobilizes people and financial resources.
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