Political Science & the SDGs
Political Science and the SDGs
Knowledge and Politics in Setting and Measuring the SDGs
Accounts of the politics and knowledge that shaped the SDGs. Found that monitoring the implementation of SDGs should be based on a broad qualitative analysis focused on the goals, not on the indicator framework alone.
Political Science as Prospect for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria (case study)
Suggestion for more inclusion of political scientists in the formulation and implementation of policy frameworks relating to SDG initiatives, and the application of basic principles of good governance which remains the core of Political Science in order to address the development challenges.
International policy implications of the SDGs
Explores the workings of global goals as an instrument of global governance and their disruptive effects on power structures. Global goals can alter power relations, affect the distribution of resources, reorganize national and local priorities, create perverse incentives for performance, and produce narratives that shape thinking and communication. Includes five case studies.
The Politics of the SDGs
Government of Canada answers the call on SDGs
Action to address all goals is needed by the government. In Canada, not all goals are being pursued, and many communities are being left behind. It's one thing to adopt the policy, another to act on it.
Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development in the SDG Framework
Outlines policy processes and means which are necessary to achieve the SDGs. Need to set a clearer and sharper target for policy coherence within the SDGs and recognize that policy coherence is a means of implementation.
Localizing the SDGs
Practical suggestions at the local level are needed to make advancements on the SDGs. All goals contain targets that directly concern local governments, and require local action. Agenda 2030 lacks practical suggestions. Localization and the role of cities in implementing the SDGs becomes a political priority at the global level.
Governance for achieving SDGs
Achievement of the SDGs depends on effective governance arrangements. How important are participation, policy coherence, reflexivity, adaptation and democratic institutions? A comparative analysis among 41 high and upper-middle income countries. Testing the influence of different aspects of governance, namely participation, policy coherence, reflexivity, adaptation and democratic institutions on SDG achievement.
Eco Justice
Uses law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment for all. Strategic, innovative public interest lawsuits lead to legal precedents that deliver lasting solutions to the most urgent environmental problems.
Environmental Defence
Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities. Works at the municipal, provincial and federal level to safeguard our freshwater, create livable communities, decrease Canadians’ exposure to toxic chemicals, end plastic pollution, tackle climate change and build a clean economy.
The Legacy Fund for the Environment
Identify and finance lawsuits undertaken by citizens’ groups in defence of Canada’s environment, promote public knowledge and awareness of environmental laws and the legal recourses available to citizens, and raise funds to support these activities.
Canada Environmental Law Association
Work to protect human health and our environment by seeking justice for those harmed by pollution and by working to change policies to prevent such problems in the first place. Represent low-income individuals and communities and speak out for those with less influence and who receive less of a say in decision-making.
UN Association Canada
Generation SDG group. Activating civic engagement through the creation of youth-led volunteer projects that advance Canada's implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Local Canada & USA. Amplify the courage and power of the people who are trying to build something better and confront those who would like to lock us into planet-wrecking emissions and unjust economies.
Amnesty International Canada
Also General, or USA specific. Uncover the truth about human rights abuses, and mobilize individuals to take action so that human rights abuses are stopped, individuals and communities are protected, and perpetrators of human rights violations are brought to justice.
Cooperation Canada
Bring together organizations working in the international development and humanitarian sector. Advocate for these groups by convening sector leaders, influencing policy and building capacity. Work with partners both inside and outside Canada to build a world that’s fair, safe, and sustainable for all.
Citzens Climate Lobby
Nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on national policies to address climate change. Train and support volunteers to build relationships with elected officials, the media and their local community.
Citizens for Public Justice
A national, progressive organization of members who are inspired by faith to act for social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy. Three key policy areas: poverty in Canada, climate justice, and refugee rights.
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Government body for decisions relating to the environment, climate change, wildlife, conservation, etc.
Government body for decisions relating to the environment, climate change, wildlife, conservation, etc.
Environmental Defense Fund
Partner with scientists, economists, government and NGOs to shape strong, bipartisan policy and fight for great environmental laws. EDF Action: the advocacy partner of Environmental Defense Fund.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Use data and science to unearth the root causes of problems. Use that information to blueprint transformative solutions, and mobilize the support of partners, members, and activists to advocate for laws and policies that will protect the environment far into the future.
Sierra Club Foundation
Heavily involved in advocacy and lobbying. A national community of volunteers, advocates, and grassroots activists. Work with other partner organizations, nonprofits, and campaigns to build a diverse, inclusive movement that represents today’s American public.
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
Central role in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda at the global level, identify specific policy actions. The Forum adopts intergovernmental negotiated political declarations.
Lawyers for Climate Justice
A multi-disciplinary group of lawyers from across Canada that is focused on advancing climate justice within the legal profession in Canada.
Transparency International Canada
Anti-corruption organization. An informed voice that promotes anti-corruption practices and transparency in Canada’s governments, businesses and society at large.
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