Communications & the SDGs
Why are the SDGs relevant to communication?
Communicating about the SDGs and building awareness is a critical initial and ongoing step in the successful implementation of the Global Goals. Communication can be used for: information exchange, identifying a consensus around some specific issues, supporting the accomplishment of a project's objectives, and helping to identify and define those objectives. There is a specific role and interaction between communication and Sustainable Development, first as an important tool for education, and also in its ability to intensify the focus of pressing issues, placing pressure on governments, corporations, and other decision makers.
Why Media Matters for the SDGs
Independent media could help with the partnerships in SDG 17 and the need for access to information and fundamental freedoms in SDG 16. Media development works to build independent media institutions as the foundation for journalism; and creates an enabling environment for such media through putting in place appropriate law, economic policy and technology.
The Role of News Media in Promoting SDGs
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
SDG Watch Europe: Communicating About The SDGs
Communicating about the SDGs and building awareness is a critical initial and ongoing step in the successful implementation. Communication is important and can differ based on the target group. Includes a list of initiatives/projects where communication about SDGs has been well communicated.
Why is Communication So Special for Sustainable Development?
The role and interaction between communication and Sustainable Development. Communication can mainly be used for: information exchange, identifying a consensus around some specific issues; supporting the accomplishment of the project’s objectives, helping to identify and define the objectives.
SDG Accountability: Engaging with the Media
The media can be a powerful tool for promoting accountability in relation to government actors. A free and independent media can inform and influence public opinion about government policy. It can monitor the performance of public institutions, expose misconduct and advocate for change. A list of ways in which CSOs can engage effectively with the media.
Role of Media in Delivering SDGs
Results of a study that sought to understand the current role of media in relation to the SDGs in an effort to strengthen the role the media can play in the successful implementation of the SDGs in Bangladesh. It recommends engaging the media more in the SDG accountability framework.
Social Media is a Key Tool for the SDGs
Social media and technology can be used to spread the word about the SDGs as well as human rights worldwide in order to empower people with the knowledge necessary to make change possible. It also breaks down the one-way dissemination and control of information with government-funded media.
YouLead: Guide for engaging the SDGs on social media
How to market the SDGs, analyzes a social media marketing plan. Includes stats about how the youth receive their information about politics, world news, etc.
SDGs Journalism Reporting Project
A European, program focused on the relation on sustainable development goals on journalism reporting.
McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law
Provides a forum in which the world’s leading scholars exchange ideas on the intersection between law, development, the environment, economics, and society.
Eco Business Review
A digital news site highlighting eco-related business stories such as, “How can journalists write compelling stories on the SDGs?”.
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education
Seeks to further the study and practice of environmental education by providing a thoughtful forum for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and post-secondary students. The publication and distribution of articles and reviews should contribute to Canadian thought and practice in environmental education and/or issues and practices of international importance to this field of study.
CCSE Journal of Sustainable Development
Articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of Environment, Economic and Society with Sustainability. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field.
Sustainable Development Magazine
A new media platform created for a forward-thinking community, based on advanced interaction schemes. Streamlining information and communication efforts to foster the creation of a new international community of highly select policymakers and public sector representatives interested in sustainable development.
Communication Initiative Network: The News Media (and) Development Network
Mission to convene the communication and media development, social and behavioural change community for more effective local, national, and international development action.
Environment Journal
Features up-to-date information on issues related to policy and governance, research and development, and technology and innovation, providing a single source for the biggest stories in the environment sector.
A creative agency at the intersection of brands & sustainability.
Yulu PR
Public relations focused on social innovation and sustainability in the United States and Canada.
Corporate Knights
A sustainable business magazine and a research division that produces rankings and financial product ratings based on corporate sustainability performance. One of the world’s largest circulation magazines focused on the intersection of business and sustainability.
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